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Inflation-Proofing Your Investment Portfolio: Options for Safeguarding Your Cash


Inflation is one of the most unpredictable and dangerous economic forces. It can erode the purchasing power of your hard-earned money and make it difficult to plan for your future. 

Certainly, there are ways to guard against inflation and keep your money safe. Investing in a diversified portfolio of inflation-proof assets is one of the great ways to ensure that your investments will retain their value over time. 

In this article, we'll discuss some options for inflation-proofing your investment portfolio and go over how to use them to protect yourself from inflation's effects.

What is inflation?

Inflation is defined as a price increase that leads to a loss of purchasing power over time. The rate at which a basket of selected products and service average prices rise over time can reflect the rate at which purchasing power declines.

A price increase often expressed as a percentage means that a unit of currency now buys less than it did previously. Inflation is distinguished from deflation, which occurs when prices fall while purchasing power rises.

Steps to keep your investment portfolio investment proof

  1. Look beyond traditional investments

Investing in stocks, bonds, and cash is the traditional way to build a portfolio and secure your financial future. 

However, with the changing times and the increasing volatility of the markets, it is important to look beyond traditional investments. Many alternative investment options can provide better returns and help you keep your portfolio investment-proof.

These alternative investments include real estate, venture capital funds, cryptocurrency, private equity funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more. With these options available to you, it is possible to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk while maximizing returns. 

Investing in these alternatives can also provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility.

  1. Consider diversifying into multiple asset-classes

To hedge against inflation, investors should consider investing in asset classes that outperform the market during inflationary periods.

Common anti-inflation assets include equity, gold, commodities, various real estate investments, TIPS, and so on. When attempting to protect your investment portfolio against inflation, you can invest in a variety of asset classes. Keep in mind that these alternative asset classes are not suitable for everyone and that one should invest solely based on risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Increasing your international exposure can also help you protect against inflation. Including international investments in your portfolio may help to protect it from domestic economic fluctuations. Mutual funds and ETFs are two of the easiest ways to diversify investments, especially in international markets. When compared to investing directly in global markets, ultimately these funds are less expensive.

  1. Invest in Mutual funds.

Mutual funds and ETFs can help you make your savings inflation-proof by providing returns that are higher than the current inflation rate. While it is empirically clear that bond returns are unattractive during an inflationary trend, the relationship between inflation and equity returns is mixed.

Equities provide a hedge against inflation because a rise in prices should correspond to a rise in nominal revenues, boosting share prices. Because corporate earnings are strong in inflationary environments, equities perform well. 

When investing in equities it is a good practice to use a combination of active and passive funds that can help hedge against inflation. Equity mutual funds can provide significant returns on your initial investment and can easily add increasing value to your invested sum.

  1. Invest in precious metals.

Investing in metals is an excellent way to protect your portfolio from market fluctuations.

Metals, like gold and silver, are considered safe investments because their value is independent of the stock market. They are also easy to buy and sell, making them the best choice for those who want to diversify their portfolio. Investing in precious metals is an excellent method for safeguarding your assets from inflation and economic downturns.

Investigate real estate.

  1. Explore real estate

Real estate investing is becoming a popular way to diversify and protect your investment portfolio. It enables a steady stream of income, and its value can often appreciate over time. 

Real estate investments also provide tax advantages, such as mortgage interest and property tax deductions. Investing in real estate can be an awesome way to build wealth, create financial security, and achieve financial freedom. 

With the right strategy, you can make sure that your investments are safe from market fluctuations and other external factors.

  1. Invest in yourself

Increasing your income is the obvious way to keep up with inflation. 

Take the time to speak with your employer and negotiate your salary or stock options. Because inflation implies that interest rates are likely to rise, it may be time to consider a debt-financed investment, such as a second home. 

Alternatively, if you or a loved one are in your early career, consider locking in a low rate for a graduate degree now before interest rates rise. Student loan interest may be deductible, and tax credits may be available, making a new degree more affordable.

  1. Invest in commodities

When it involves investing, there are numerous possibilities. Some people opt to invest in stocks, while others prefer bonds or mutual funds. However, one option that is often overlooked is investing in commodities.

Commodities are natural resources that are essential for the production of goods and services. They include items such as oil, gas, gold, silver, and copper. 

Investing in goods and services can be an awesome way to diversify your portfolio and hedge against inflation. Commodities can be invested in a variety of ways.

One option is to purchase commodity futures contracts. These are agreements to buy or sell a certain amount of a commodity at a set price on a future date. Another option is to invest in commodity-based ETFs or mutual funds. These provide exposure to a basket of commodities without the need to purchase individual contracts.

Investing in commodities can be risky, but it can also be an awesome way to achieve long-term growth potential. Before you make any decisions, be sure to do your research and speak with a financial professional.


Inflation can be a very daunting prospect and one that can have serious consequences for your savings. Fortunately, there are several options available to you if you want to protect your financial future from inflation. 

Keeping track of the rate of inflation and investing in mutual funds or ETFs is a great way to ensure that your savings remain safe and secure over time. Additionally, understanding how bonds work will help you make informed decisions about which investments provide the best protection from rising prices in the future. 

With these tips in mind, you should now have all the information necessary to successfully inflation-proof your savings!