A Guide to Changing an LLC to an S-Corp small businessCandice BogarSeptember 27, 2024Bogar & AssociatesLLC, limited liability company, S Corp, S Corporations, Small Business, small business owners
Shutting Down A Sole Proprietorship small business, Business FinancesCandice BogarSeptember 13, 2024business, small business, sole proprietorship, llc, limited liabilityity company, single-member llc
Tax Guide to Timeshare Tax Deductions TaxesCandice BogarAugust 16, 2024Bogar & AssociatesReal Estate, timeshare, real estate taxes, real estate deductions, vacation rental
Unexpected Costs When Selling a House Real EstateCandice BogarAugust 2, 2024Home, Housing, Selling Homes, Buying Homes, Real Estate, property
A Letter from Our President: FinCen Reporting Requirements Services, Business FinancesCandice BogarJuly 25, 2024corporate transparency act, finances, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FinCen, HOA, Corporations, business