Have you heard the term CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) before? A CDFA is one of the biggest assets you have never heard of, and quite possibly never knew you needed, in your legal separation. A CDFA is an invaluable resource that can help save you money, time and stress, during a difficult time. Here is a deep look at what a CDFA does, and how they can be your biggest asset during a divorce.
Read MoreThe division of assets is a major concern for both parties going through a divorce. Often times, partners work together towards common financial goals, but that doesn’t always mean the contributions are equal. One of the more cumbersome assets to divide in the course of a divorce are retirement savings accounts.
Read MoreAt a time where most people find themselves at the end of their rope emotionally, it’s challenging to remember the essential steps to take to protect yourself financially. These 5 steps will help you protect your financial future after divorce.