Residential Rentals, Commercial Real Property, And Depreciation TaxesCandice BogarJanuary 14, 2022Bogar & Associatesrental property, property tax, real estate
The Debt Snowball Method Personal FinancesCandice BogarOctober 29, 2021Bogar & Associatesmoney, debt, debt snowball method
Meet Candice Bogar, CPA and President of Bogar & Associates, Inc. small business, ServicesCandice BogarJune 8, 2021small business
Starting a Business: Type of Business Entity small businessCandice BogarMay 28, 2021Stampone & AssociatesStarting A Business, type of business, startup
Starting Your Business: Timeline, Website, Sales small businessCandice BogarApril 23, 2021small business, business, starting a business, sales, website